For conference and exhibition centres, retail spaces and large office complexes – in fact any indoor environment that has a particularly wide entrance – reliably tracking the number of people entering and exiting the building, has until now, been a challenge. The field of view for most individual people counting devices available on the market is too limited.

The facility managers of private or public Smart Buildings need to continuously track and accurately measure the people traffic through their facilities, for security purposes, energy management, sizing of support staff through to re-organizing retail zones and working spaces. A flexible and scalable People Counting solution that fits any kind of wide entrance to support their informed business decisions is therefore critical.

With its ability to aggregate data taken from up to five separate people counting devices, the Terabee People Counting L-XL system offers an easy to install and configure, discreet and highly accurate doorway counter for monitoring large doors, entrances and gates.

Individual Terabee People Counting L-XL sensors can be installed, like smoke alarms, across an entrance – up to a height of 3.2 metres and covering a width of a maximum of 9.5 metres wide. A sophisticated algorithm ensures seamless zone monitoring for the linked sensors and maintains a 98% or more people counting accuracy level.

Importantly, because the devices use advanced Time-of-Flight technology, they collect non-intrusive depth image data, meaning personal identities cannot be captured. Not only does this make the solution GDPR compliant by design, but, since the camera does not require high levels of ambient illumination to function, it retains its accuracy even in very low light conditions.

Filtering and counting software is embedded on the device and the solution is easily configured via a web GUI. For wide entrances and exits, where multiple devices are used, the data from each device is consolidated on a device designated as the ‘coordinator’. This device then communicates with the IoT backend, on-premise or in the cloud, for real time analysis and historical reporting.

Terabee People Counting L-XL is ideal for retailers and integrators wishing to measure the footfall in their stores or at specific locations, using the data to ensure healthy ROI metrics are maintained. It can also support an organisation’s green agenda, helping to reduce energy consumption and expenditure by monitoring the number of people within a building or space and adjusting HVAC and lighting accordingly.

For more information visit our Terabee People Counting L-XL product page, or talk to a member of our team to find out more.

Contact us to speak to an expert about your people counting challenges and requirements. Get in touch today! If you would like to learn how to deploy people counting solutions in your facility, contact a member of the Terabee team.